: FuN : PuN : WHATeVeR!

A blog of fun n pun articles and some interesting ones too.

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Location: Bangalore, India

Humanitarian, friendly, independent, quirky, willing, progressive, an original thinker, inventive, creative, loyal, idealistic yet rational, unpredictable, eccentric, rebellious, contrary, tactless, stubborn, perverse, emotionally oblivious... The qualities of an Aquarian! As for me, am just the proud (?) owner of an ever confused, ever pondering n' mostly lost MiND!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Snippets 'n Forwards?

Now..what's snippets and forwards? Well, I keep getting a lot of mails from friends and others, some with dumb jokes, some with good ones and some with funny pics and many with interesting ones. And a few of them even send interesting articles and facts.

So I though..."Why not put 'em all the good ones as a blog???"

So, that's where Snippets 'n Forwards came in. Here I'll be posting such interesting forwards and any interesting articles I come up while online..(or offline)

Enjoy..you :)